Naval Group Belgium was created in 2019 after the replacement of Mine Countermeasures (rMCM) program was awarded to Belgium Naval & Robotics, a Naval Group and Exail consortium.
Naval Group, through its subsidiary in Belgium, has opened a centre of excellence and innovation in the field of mine countermeasures and naval cybersecurity. Naval Group Belgium manages two collaborative research laboratories - the MCM Lab and the Cyber Lab - bringing together ecosystems comprising manufacturers and Belgian universities working in close collaboration with the Belgian Defence.
Naval Group Belgium, an active player in several European programs, had also led the MIne RIsk CLearance for Europe (Miricle) consortium, selected by the European Commission to reinforce European capabilities in mine countermeasures and to pave the way for the future generation of Made in Europe countermeasure solutions.
Naval Group’s Belgian subsidiary is also developing its activities in the field of services, spanning the maintenance of the present tripartite mine countermeasures to ensuring operational availability of the future mine warships for its naval customers.
Proven sectors of activity:
- MCM System Integrator