The MCMLab keeps an updated list of its current partners with proven skills on its website for public access
External companies, who wish to be partners, are invited to share their expertise with the MCMLab via the contact form available on this page of the website. Companies will thereafter be contacted by the MCMLab for feedback.
A new potential partner must fulfill the four following conditions:
- Be Belgian company
- Be necessary to a project proposal (determined by the MCMLab partners)
- Ideally; be complementary to the current partners in terms of expertise or bring more of a certain expertise if necessary to the execution of an MCMLab project (current partners will always have the right of first review of project proposals)
- Have one or more recognized and proven skills
If all previous steps are fulfilled, the candidate entity will be become a partner with their recognized skill(s)
N.b : projects can be proposed only by MOD or partners and will not be shared to the public. The MCMLab therefore reserves the right to contact entities if their skills become relevant in the future. In that respect, the MCMLab will keep internally a list of all entities that wish to join.
You can download the contact form here. Once filled in, please email it to: